Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Exec Orders/FEMA/UN/DHS/REX84

In this article, I'd like to go over details  involving the Federal Emergency Management Association, also known as F.E.M.A., the REX84 operation, the United Nations, The Department of Homeland Security, and their mutual relationships.
    Many people have referred to FEMA as a secret branch of government.  FEMA is not an elected body, it does not involve itself in public disclosures, and it even has a quasi-secret budget in the trillions of dollars. Don't you find it strange that the general public is not allowed to know about, or even ask what the U.S. Black budget is, or what its used for? the official government explanation of this is: "Disclosing black budget use of funds would jeopardize national security". Well, I would have to partially agree with that statement, only because if the American public actually knew the truth of what their criminal government was preparing to do to them with their own tax dollars, there would be a revolution before morning.
      The federal organization known as FEMA has more power than the President of the United States and Congress. FEMA has the power to suspend laws, relocate entire populations, arrest and detain American citizens by force (without a warrant), and imprison American citizens without trial. They can seize all personal property and land, food/water supplies, transportation systems including personally owned vehicles,  all sources of energy, all while suspending the U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights. Not only is FEMA the most powerful entity in the United States government,  it wasn't  even created under Constitutional law or by Congress. FEMA is the product of  Presidential Executive Orders (which are illegal and unconstitutional, but nobody has done anything, nor will they do anything about it)
       FEMA has authority over the U.S. military, The Department of Homeland Security, and the CIA.  It was Originally conceived in the Nixon Administration, it was refined by President Jimmy Carter, and given its teeth in the Ronald Reagan, George Bush, and Obama Administrations.
        FEMA had one main concept when it was first created: To assure the survivability of the United States government in times of crisis on American soil. The reason for the establishment of FEMA is to ensure the continuity of government during a national emergency (It was also provided with the task of being a federal coordinating body during times of domestic disasters and natural disasters such as earthquakes, floods and hurricanes).  Its vast powers grow under the tutelage of people like Lt. Col. Oliver North and General Richard Secord, the architects on the Iran-Contra scandal and the looting of America's savings and loan institutions. FEMA has even been given control of the State Defense Forces, a rag-tag, often considered neo-Nazi, civilian MJTF army that will substitute for the National Guard once the Guard is called to duty overseas (See Obama's speech regarding this)
FEMA also works in conjunction with the Sixth and Seventh group US Army Special Operations Command (USSOCOM). FEMA was created in a series of Executive Orders. A Presidential Executive Order whether Constitutional or not, becomes law simply by its publication in the Federal Registry. Congress is by-passed.

Executive Order Number 12148: Created the Federal Emergency Management Agency thatt is to interface with the Department of Defense for civil defense planning and funding. An "emergency czar" shall be appointed to oversee and execute each executive action activated.
(Since it's creation,  FEMA has only spent about 6 percent of it's budget on national emergencies. The bulk of their funding has been used for the construction of underground facilities to assure continuity of government. The trillions of dollars spent to "ensure continuity of government" could have been used for any number of things, but I would imagine trillions of dollars having been secretly spent by our government, out of public view , certainly cannot be a good thing)
Executive Order Number 12656 appointed the National Security Council as the principal body that should consider emergency powers. This allows the government to increase domestic intelligence and surveillance of U.S. citizens and would restrict the freedom of movement within the United States while granting the federal government the right to isolate large groups of civilians. MJTF will be used to seal all borders, and take control of U.S. air space and ports of entry. Here are just a few Executive Orders associated with FEMA that would suspend the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. These Executive Orders have been on record for nearly 30 years and could be enacted by the stroke of a Presidential pen:

EXECUTIVE ORDER 10990 allows the government to take over all modes of transportation and control of all highways and seaports 

EXECUTIVE ORDER 10995 allows the government to seize and control the communication media.

EXECUTIVE ORDER 10997 allows the government to take over all electrical power, gas, petroleum, fuels and minerals.

EXECUTIVE ORDER 10998 allows the government to take over all food resources and farms.
EXECUTIVE ORDER 11000 allows the government to mobilize civilians into work brigades under government supervision.

EXECUTIVE ORDER 11001 allows the government to take over all health, education and welfare functions.

EXECUTIVE ORDER 11002 designates the Postmaster General to operate a national registration of all persons.

EXECUTIVE ORDER 11003 allows the government to take over all airports and aircraft, including commercial aircraft.

EXECUTIVE ORDER 11004 allows the Housing and Finance Authority to relocate communities, build new housing with public funds, designate areas to be abandoned, and establish new locations for populations.

EXECUTIVE ORDER 11005 allows the government to take over railroads, inland waterways and public storage facilities.

EXECUTIVE ORDER 11051 specifies the responsibility of the Office of Emergency Planning and gives authorization to put all Executive Orders into effect in times of increased international tensions and economic or financial crisis.
EXECUTIVE ORDER 11310 grants authority to the Department of Justice to enforce the plans set out in Executive Orders, to institute industrial support, to establish judicial and legislative liaison, to control all aliens, to operate penal and correctional institutions, and to advise and assist the President.
EXECUTIVE ORDER 11049 assigns emergency preparedness function to federal departments and agencies, consolidating 21 operative Executive Orders issued over a fifteen year period.
EXECUTIVE ORDER 11921 allows the Federal Emergency Preparedness Agency to develop plans to establish control over the mechanisms of production and distribution, of energy sources, wages, salaries, credit and the flow of money in U.S. financial institution in any undefined national emergency. It also provides that when a state of emergency is declared by the President, Congress cannot review the action for six months. The Federal Emergency Management Agency has broad powers in every aspect of the nation.
General Frank Salzedo, chief of FEMA's Civil Security Division stated in a 1983 conference that he saw FEMA's role as a "new frontier in the protection of individual and governmental leaders from assassination, and of civil and military installations from sabotage and/or attack, as well as prevention of dissident groups from gaining access to U.S. opinion, or a global audience in times of crisis." FEMA's powers were consolidated by President Carter to incorporate: The National Security Act of 1947, which allows for the strategic relocation of industries, services, government and other essential economic activities, and to rationalize the requirements for manpower, resources and production facilities; The 1950 Defense Production Act, which gives the President sweeping powers over all aspects of the economy; The Act of August 29, 1916, which authorizes the Secretary of the Army, in time of war, to take possession of any transportation system for transporting troops, material, or any other purpose related to the emergency; and The International Emergency Economic Powers Act, which enables the President to seize the property of a foreign country or national. These powers were transferred to FEMA in a sweeping consolidation in 1979.
Another Executive order which was signed by President Obama which is worth reading thoroughly is: Executive Order 13603:

According to EO 13603, the President, or the head of ANY federal agency that HE shall designate, can conscript “persons of outstanding experience and ability without compensation,” in both peacetime and times of national emergency.”  I can hear the Obama supporters now as they will write to me and say, “Obama would never do that, you are drinking from the Kool-Aid”.  Well, here it is, you can read it for yourself.
Sec502.  Consultants.  The head of each agency otherwise delegated functions under this order is delegated the authority of the President under sections 710(b) and (c) of the Act, 50 U.S.C. App. 2160(b), (c), to employ persons of outstanding experience and ability without compensation and to employ experts, consultants, or organizations.  The authority delegated by this section may not be re-delegated.
There is only ONE word for forced, “uncompensated employment”. That word is slavery. Congratulations President Obama, you have effectively repealed the 13th Amendment to the Constitution.
Section 601 of the act specifies, in part, how far the government can go in terms of making you their slave.

Sec. 601. Secretary of Labor. (a) The Secretary of Labor, in coordination
with the Secretary of Defense and the heads of other agencies, as deemed
appropriate by the Secretary of Labor, shall:
(1) collect and maintain data necessary to make a continuing appraisal
of the Nation’s workforce needs for purposes of national defense;
(2) upon request by the Director of Selective Service, and in coordination
with the Secretary of Defense, assist the Director of Selective Service
in development of policies regulating the induction and deferment of
persons for duty in the armed services;
(3) upon request from the head of an agency with authority under this
order, consult with that agency with respect to: (i) the effect of contemplated
actions on labor demand and utilization; (ii) the relation of
labor demand to materials and facilities requirements; and (iii) such other
matters as will assist in making the exercise of priority and allocations
functions consistent with effective utilization and distribution of labor;
(4) upon request from the head of an agency with authority under this
order: (i) formulate plans, programs, and policies for meeting the labor
requirements of actions to be taken for national defense purposes; and
(ii) estimate training needs to help address national defense requirements
and promote necessary and appropriate training programs

If the above section was only going to be a military draft, then the Secretary of Labor would not have to be involved. However, as you will note the “Secretary of Labor, in coordination with the Secretary of Defense and heads of other agencies, as deemed appropriate by the Secretary of Labor, shall: …assist in the development of policies regulating the induction and deferment of persons for duty in the armed services;… formulate plans, programs, and policies for meeting the labor requirements of actions to be taken for national defense purposes; and (ii) estimate training needs to help address national defense requirements and promote necessary and appropriate training programs…”.  Refer back to section 502 of sections 710(b) and (c) of the Act, 50 U.S.C. App. 2160(b), (c);  these are the people that the Secretary of the Labor will conscript in order “to employ persons of outstanding experience and ability without compensation and to employ experts, consultants, or organizations”.

This, my fellow Americans, is a civilian conscription and this is why the Secretary of Labor is in charge instead of the head of the Selective Service. Under these provisions, the government is stating they can send you anywhere, to work on anything of their choosing.


FEMA's deceptive role really didn't come to light with much of the public until Hurricane Andrew smashed into the U.S. mainland. As Russell R. Dynes, director of the Disaster Research Center of the University of Delaware, wrote in The World and I, "...The eye of the political storm hovered over the Federal Emergency Management Agency. FEMA became a convenient target for criticism." Because FEMA was accused of dropping the ball in Florida, the media and Congress commenced to study this agency. What came out of the critical look was that FEMA was spending 12 times more for "black operations" than for actual disaster relief. It has openly spent billions of dollars per year on "construction" throughout the United States in "Anticipation of government disruption by foreign or domestic upheaval" Yet fewer than 20 members of Congress even have knowledge of these expenditures by FEMA for non-natural disaster situations. The small few Congressional leaders who do have knowledge of FEMA's entire budget state that FEMA has a "black curtain" around its operations, which cannot be disclosed. FEMA has worked on National Security programs since 1979, and its predecessor, the Federal Emergency Preparedness Agency, has secretly spent billions of dollars before being merged into FEMA by President Carter in 1979.
FEMA has also developed over 300 sophisticated mobile units that are capable of sustaining themselves. The mobile brigades are currently located in five areas of the United States. They have tremendous communication systems which contain generators which have the ability provide power to 120 homes... but they have never once been used for disaster relief since FEMA's establishment, even after numerous states have been pulverized by hurricanes and other disasters.
 FEMA's enormous powers can be triggered easily. In any form of domestic or foreign problem, perceived and not always actual, emergency powers can be enacted. The President of the United States now has broader powers to declare martial law, which activates FEMA's extraordinary powers. Martial law can be declared during time of increased tension overseas, economic problems within the United States, such as a depression, civil unrest, such as demonstrations or scenes like the Los Angeles riots, and in a drug crisis. What most Americans who are actually aware of this information fail to realize is this: The United States is already under a declared state of martial law, and has been since president Lincoln. The United States is also currently in a declared state of national emergency, and has been since 9/11/2001. Every year since 9/11, each president has signed to extend America's declared state of national emergency.
The only thing needed to usher in their plans of taking over the entire nation while PUBLICLY STATING the U.S. is under a declared state  of martial law, with little to no public resistance, is a large scale attack and/or disaster on American soil (this can include but is not limited to:  war/threat of war, economic crisis, energy/grid crisis, natural disasters, and nationwide civil unrest) take a look at what's been going on around the country and the world the past few years, and ask yourself how likely any of those scenarios are.)
These Presidential powers have increased with successive Crime Bills, particularly the 1991 and 1993 Crime Bills, which increase the power to suspend the rights guaranteed under the Constitution and to seize property of those suspected of being criminals, to individuals who participate in a public protest or demonstration. Under emergency plans already in existence, the power exists to suspend the Constitution and turn over the reigns of government to FEMA and appointing their selected military commanders to run state and local governments. FEMA then would have the right to order the detention of anyone whom there is reasonable ground to believe will engage in, or probably conspire with others to engage in acts of espionage or sabotage. The plan also authorized the establishment of concentration camps for detaining the accused, with no trial.

Four times since 1984, FEMA stood on the threshold of taking control of the nation. Once under President Reagan in 1984, twice under President Bush Sr. in 1990 and 1992, and once under President Bush in 2001. But under those       scenarios, there was not a sufficient crisis to warrant the public declaration of martial law. Most experts on the subject of FEMA and Martial Law insisted that a crisis has to appear dangerous enough for the people of the United States before they would tolerate or accept complete government takeover. The typical crisis needed would be threat of imminent nuclear war, rioting in several U.S. cites simultaneously, a series of national disasters that affect widespread danger to the populous, massive terrorist attacks, a depression in which tens of millions are unemployed and without resources, or a major environmental disaster.
In April 1984, President Reagan signed Presidential Directive Number 54 which allowed FEMA to engage in a secret national readiness exercise under the code name of REX 84. The exercise was to test FEMA's readiness to assume military authority in the event of a "State of Domestic National Emergency". The plan called for the deputation of  non deployed U.S. military and National Guard members to legally be used for domestic law enforcement in the United States. The commanders of these units would be assigned by FEMA  to conduct sweeps of American cities and residential neighborhoods to disarm and take citizens into custody. Relocation of civilians would be accomplished through designated use of former U.S. Military installations in the United States.

Rex 84 allowed hundreds of U.S. military bases to be closed down and turned into detention facilities, and training centers for multinational forces..

 Rex 84, short for Readiness Exercise 1984, was a classified scenario drill developed by the United States federal government to detain large numbers of American citizens deemed to be "national security threats", in the event that the President publicly declared a "State of National Emergency".
 Rex84 is an umbrella plan which triggers a series of executive order activations for the continuity of government, under specific contingency strategies laid out in various operation guide manuals. Operation Cable Splicer, Operation Garden Plot, and operation Mountain Guardian  are sub programs of REX84 which will be implemented once the program is initiated for its proper purpose.  Operation Garden Plot is the program to detain, control, and relocate the American population to assigned REX84 military installations. NORTHCOM Army manuals state that multinational coalition forces will be used in every aspect of this operation. Operation Cable Splicer is the program for an orderly takeover of state and local governments by the federal government. (FEMA, UN, DHS) Operation Mountain Guardian is the program  for relocating and containing American citizens inside select NFL stadiums.  FEMA is the executive arm of the coming police state and thus will head up all operations. The Presidential Executive Orders already listed on the Federal Register also are part of the legal framework for this operation.
Main REX84 installations have railroad facilities, while all of them have private road access and airlift capabilities.. The majority of these installations can house a population of 20,000-100,000 prisoners. Currently, the largest of these facilities is outside of Fairbanks, Alaska. This massive Alaskan facility was once a mental health facility, which is capable of holding approximately 2 million prisoners.

Currently, REX84 installations are being used to house multinational military forces, consisting of  a combination of forces from 28 foreign countries. Some foreign troops encompassed under this plan include fighters from: China, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Syria, Libya, and Sudan.
 FEMA is the executive arm of the coming police state and thus will head up all operations including deployment of multinational forces registered with UNCHR ( United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees).  The Presidential Executive Orders already listed on the Federal Register also are part of the legal framework for this operation. Most installations have railroad facilities, while all of them have controlled road transportation outlets and airlift capabilities

Official Government documents detailing upcomming detainment operations in the United States/ Civilian inmate labor programs-

Internment and Resettlement operations:

Civilian Inmate and Labor program:

The Pentagon has recently approved a scheme allowing U.N. peacekeeping troops to “police” US citizens. 
The federal government has announced their support for a set of principles that allow U.N. troops to police and use deadly force in order to “protect citizens” in the event of an armed conflict in the United States. 
The United States has announced its support for a set of principles that give the green light for U.N. "peacekeeping troops" to use force on American citizens.

 Obama, speaking from the United Nations has redefined terror to include those who fall under the Department of Homeland Security's definition of  "homegrown extremists" (This includes constitutionalists, Veterans, and anyone who speaks against NWO or Zionists as an extremist threat )

See: The Department of Homeland security form-

Right wing Extremism: Current Economic and Political Climate Fueling Resurgence in Radicalization and Recruitment, which can be viewed here:

So will the U.N. and the Department of Homeland Security,  use an international military and police force to crush American patriot resistance to  foreign troops?...the answer is yes.

 Now I would like to expose who  "The Department of Homeland Security"  is, who runs it, and what they've been up to.

The United States Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is a cabinet department of the United States federal government with responsibilities in public security, roughly comparable to the interior or home ministries of other countries. Its stated missions involve anti terrorism, border security, immigration and customs, cyber security, and disaster prevention and management.
The Department of Homeland Security was created in response to the attacks on 9/11.

In fiscal year 2011 DHS was allocated a budget of $98.8 billion,  and is issued an average annual budget of $70 billion.
With more than 240,000 employees, DHS is the third largest Cabinet department, after the Departments of Defense and Dept. of Veterans Affairs.  Homeland security policy is coordinated at the White House by the Homeland Security Council. Other agencies with significant homeland security responsibilities include the Departments of Health and Human Services, the CDC (which has been issued its own SWAT team by the Obama administration), and the U.S. Justice Department.

Under Bush and Obama, The Department of Homeland Security was led by an Israeli citizen named Michael Chertoff. Chertoff's family are figureheads of Jewish terror organizations within the Israeli Mossad, and played a role in the creation of Zionist Israel.
Jeh Johnson was able to come up with over half a million dollars in cash to donate to the Democratic National Convention — and then “feigned disbelief” when he got the job of  homeland security czar, along side Zionist psychopath Janet Napolitano.

 Johnson was instructed to hire members from Jewish controlled Masonic cults such as the "Muslim Brotherhood" and its front organizations including those within "ISNA", "IPAC', "MAS'  and "CAIR"

ISNA - a front organization for radical Egyptian-based terror groups
ISNA is financed by a man named Youssef Moustafa . Moustafa wrote  'The Muslim Brotherhood Plan" which outlined a detailed plan to destroy the United States from the inside.

But what you must understand is,  these so called "Muslim" extremist organizations aren't actually controlled by Muslims... They're controlled by Zionists Jews.
If youd like to learn more about this, I suggest reading the book "The Cresent and the Compass"

The Zionist's plans are to use the Muslim brotherhood against Americans
 during the collapse of the United States (The Jews never want to do their own dirty work, they use Americans and foreigners to kill each other, and have been since the beginning of time)

Very much like the Protocols of Zion, the Muslim brotherhood is being used to achieve similar goals-  Goals which Ashkenazi Jews are giving marching orders to their useful goyim.

(Ashkenazi Jews already control 100 % of the US government,finance, military,and media)

A few facts about the Department of Homeland Security :

- All refugees being imported into the United States are "vetted" by DHS. All refugees imported into the United States are registered with the United Nations (UNHCR)

- From fiscal year 2009-2013 The United Nations and the Obama Administration have issued 680,000 green cards to migrants (this is a MUCH larger number than the small 10,000 migrants which President Obama presented to the American Public). Every time Obama lies , he gets away with it because the American public is too lazy to do their own research. This number does not include migrants who were issued a temporary visa which have stayed past their expiration (an estimated additional 500,000 migrants since FY 2009)

- From 2013-2015 an additional 138,000 migrants per year from Pakistan, Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan, Somalia, Sudan, Turkey, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, and Indonesia have been imported into the United States through UNHCR.

-  On October 1st 2016,  110,000 refugees from Syria alone were imported through UNCHR. The United Nations has pledged to import an additional 110,000 Syrian refugees per fiscal year

- The Department of Homeland Security has purchased several billion rounds of hollow point 5.56, 7.62 rounds of ammunition...enough to support a 30 year long war.


If you're still doubting the information I've provided in this article, maybe you should take a few minutes to read about what kind of training Foreign combat troops have been conducting on American and Canadian soil in 2016:

 Unconventional Warfare Exercise 2016

UWEX16 mission overview -
UWEX16 is a training mission conducted currently by U.S. Military Special Operations Forces, The Department of Homeland Security, F.E.M.A, and internationally federalized special operations forces, including Russian, Chinese, and Saudi Arabian ground/aviation troops. The combination of these forces are encompassed under direct command of the United Nations.

UWEX16 Training terrain:                                                                            
- Designated REX84 Internment/resettlement installations                          
- Densely populated American and Canadian Cities                                     
- American/Canadian Suburban communities                                     
- American/Canadian rural communities                                                
- American/Canadian quartermaster supply/food distribution centers              
- Federal/County Court buildings                                                                     
- American/Canadian federalized police stations                                   
- American/Canadian Elementary, Junior/Senior high schools                        
* Mission training terrains are made of both actual                                          
  and mock locations

  International troop Training locations:
- Buckley Air Force Base, Colorado
- NTC California
- Activated REX84 military installations based in the following U.S. States:
  Texas, Colorado, California, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Florida, Ohio, NY, NJ
- Activated REX84 military installations in the following Canadian regions: 
   British Columbia, Ontario, Quebec, New Brunswick

* Admittance to an unassigned REX 84 Installation may not be permitted to personnel unless under official orders to do so in accordance to their training mission
       UWEX16 Mission goals:

 -Training missions conducted by joint international military personnel during a state of civil unrest in conjunction with natural disasters/ declared national emergencies. These missions are being conducted to achieve a strong standing, ready, and deploy-able international military force on American soil to be activated during times of crisis/national emergency.

 - To finalize an International special operations force which operates as a team, while conducting separate missions which run in parallel, and in sync.
 UWEX16 Training missions include:
 - Conducting crowd/riot control upon activation of National Security Directives
 - Resettlement and detainment operations
 - Food ration control and disbursement upon the termination of federal cash assistance (welfare/SNAP,SSA,SSD,VA). This will run parallel with activations of  EO 13603 (exec. order 13603)
 - Guerrilla/counter guerrilla warfare operations in urban, suburban, and rural environments of the United States and Canada
 - Operations including federalized OPFOR and activated federal employees to be used as civilian/extremist threats in accordance to current ADEX lists.
 - Activated federal employees running counter operations in preparation of rogue U.S. Military unit threats
 - The Ability to "go live" during a training exercise while executing the correct process of acknowledging and following immediate direct orders in a covert manner
 - Resettlement of school employees and students to pre determined NFL stadiums/Federal buildings
Operation UWEX16 international mission participants:
- United States Special Operations Command
- Department of Homeland Security
- F.E.M.A.
- S.A.A.F./R.S.A.A.F. (Royal Saudi Arabian Armed Forces) -Saudi Arabia 
- P.L.A.S.O.F. (People's Liberation Army Special Forces) -China
- Spetsnaz GRU / MES - (Voyska spetsialnogo naznacheniya Forces) -Russia
- Walmart Distribution Centers of America & Canada
- Sam's Club Distribution Centers of America and Canada
- Target Distribution centers of America & Canada
* Listed distribution centers will have complete control of all assets to be dispersed including food, water, clothing, medications/vaccinations
* All participants under direct command of the United Nations Security Council
Rex 84 is an umbrella plan which triggers a series of executive order activations
for the continuity of government, under specific contingency strategies laid out in various operation guide manuals. ex.) Operation Garden Plot/ Operation Mountain Guardian are subprograms of Rex 84.

Twice before in the United States portions of Rex 84 have been implemented, which were during the L.A. riots, and on 9/11. In these scenarios, only portions of the entire set of executive orders were used. Within these series of contingency plans, implementation depends on the severity of the situation.

Plans include internment camps where all, or portions of active/inactive military bases would be transformed into resettlement/detention facilities, where citizens who are considered to be dissonant would be held. The NORTHCOM Army manuals state that international coalition forces will be used in every phase of this operation.
The implementation of martial law under a national emergency will suspend the U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights. Once this occurs, United Nations international defense agencies estimate they have a 72 hour window to activate all executive procedures to "ensure continuity of government",  as well as accomplish a general lock down of the American and Canadian population as civil unrest, riots and large scale outbreaks of violence are anticipated. The ongoing attacks by the federal government on the 2nd Amendment play a significant role in attempting to “amicably” remove/decrease the possibility of civilian retaliation against the international military presence throughout the United States and Canada. Continuation of guidelines set in Rex 84 include directives to eliminate any person who refuses to comply with orders given to them by any federalized government personnel, during a state of martial law.

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