State Department Publication No.7277
If someday your children ask you how Liberty died in America, and what happened that caused the demise of the Nation, read this, and you will be able to answer them.
If they ask you why American Citizens have been disarmed you'll know why. To find out why, go to your library. Every city library in the United States contains the following documents. Tell the librarian to show you where the 'United States Code books' are shelved. There are 25 books in the set. These hard cover books are printed every 8-10 years, and updated with annual soft-back supplements each consecutive year, until a new hard cover issue is published. To show you how far back this plan has been put into place, you can view the 1988 publication, which illustrates this plan going back to the 1950's, with every updated publication since)
OPEN VOLUME 9. The page numbers are in the center near the middle binding. The section numbers are along the edges.
TURN TO PAGE 651. Here you will find Public Law 87-297 which calls for the United States to eliminate its armed forces. This law was signed for the United States in 1961. John F. Kennedy signed this into motion, as well as every U.S. president following him, as it has worked to enact its provisions. The federal government knows the public will not agree with this, which is why they want to take away your firearms. (This is Title 22 USC section 2551)
TURN TO PAGE 652. Here you will find the definition of what the federal government means by "disarmament." The disarmament calls for the elimination of the United States armed forces. This also calls for the elimination of weapons of all kinds, from every citizen.
(This is Title 22 USC 2552 (a).
TURN TO PAGE 654. Here you will find it stated as item (a) "Control, reduction and elimination of armed forces..." and as Item (d)" ...Elimination of armed forces...."
The U.S. armed forces are being eliminated and relinquished from national control, which in turn, wipes out our sovereignty as a nation. In two stages, we will have no more army, navy, or air force. In the third stage, we shall have a "zero" military. Before this stage closes, all arms and arms production shall be banned, except for those being used for ''peace forces''.
(This is Title 22 USC Section 2571 (a).
Public Law 87-297 is further explained in the State Department Document: Publication 7277. Your librarian can also furnish you a copy. Also ask the librarian to get you a copy of "The Blue Print for the Peace Race." It is a 35-page booklet printed by the United States Arms Control and Disarmament Agency as Publication No. 4 - General Series 3 - Released May of 1962. Publication No. 4 is the unabridged version of State Department Document 7277.
Both of these booklets explain how the US military is to be reduced to 2.1 million men. China and the Russia are to be reduced to that level also. After this stage is complete, the United States will eventually transfer (on a permanent basis) one-half of it's armed forces to be merged with the Russian and Chinese militaries, under direction of the United Nations (U.S. Troops have been training with Russian and Chinese troops for the past 8 years and, they still are today in 2016. You can look this up to confirm this for yourself, or ask a U.S. Service member who has actually been involved in this joint training. In Stage II of this act, the remaining one-half of U.S. armed forces are then to be turned over to the Security Council of the United Nations.

This document states the world's smaller nations will be forced to turn 100% of their armed forces over to the Security Council of the United Nations. This stage started its process during the Bush administration, as stated by President George Bush and Admiral Wm. J. Crowe while in seat.
Every 8-10 years, the House of Representatives votes to appropriate funds for this on-going program, as well as add new revisions. Since P.L. 87-297 was first passed into law, it has received dozens of updates, with no deletions. - all of which will make your stomach turn - Congress has supported the policing of the United States by foreign troops. The federal government's world army has been fully achieved in several regions across the world as of current day, including those in Europe, North America, and Asia. Congress has allowed select U.S. military bases to be "closed down", which have been used by United Nations forces, and forces under direct command of the United Nations. You will find that plan in Publication 7277 and in "The Blueprint for the Peace Race."
The president can conduct what's called a "Constitutional Convention", in which you will find yourself with two new constitutions (communist in structure). In Article VIII, Section 12, it states: "No person shall bear arms or possess lethal weapons except the police and members of the armed forces" ...guess who your new armed forces and police will be? will be United Nations troops.
Congress has updated these actions annually, which is on record in every consecutive Senate hearing, further installing these new constitutions. Ask your librarian for "Revision of the United Nations Charter - Hearings Before a Subcommittee (Foreign Relations) Feb. 2-20, 1950 U.S. Government Printing Office." Nothing has changed about these documents since. They are still viable. The ultimate goal to be reached in Stage III of the disarmament process is to "proceed to a point where no state [nation] would have the military power to challenge the progressively strengthened U.N. Peace Force...."
One of the final nails in the coffin, is the United Nations Arms Trade Treaty. This Treaty was effective 12/24/2014. To current date, 87 international states have ratified this treaty, with an additional 46 states who have signed the treaty including the United States, by Sen. John Kerry.
After the U.N. ATT received its fiftieth ratification, it has come into force for its ratifiers and signatories 90 days after ratification of the fiftieth state. This has occurred, and has officially become international law, including in the United States.
-These facts aren't shown to you on the news, this has not been broadcast to you for a reason.
Anyone who doubts the truthfulness of what has been presented here is free to go to the library and go through the steps which have been outlined above. While you are at it, look up Public Law 101-216.
State Department Publication 7277 is available at: and in electronic form as file PUB_7277.ZIP

Damn this really Sucks
ReplyDeleteDamn this really Sucks
ReplyDeleteYes it does, but it sucks even more that there are millions of Americans who do not know this information, refuse to believe any of it, and in turn refuse to prepare for what's coming. Most Americans don't really don't care, as long as they have football and beer, all is ok in their little dream world.
ReplyDeleteNot only do the American people not seem to know but most of the Canadian population are also wearing blinders to what is to come...
DeleteBill Cooper was talking about this 20 years ago and provided the names of these documents and many other in his series on Treason and New World Order. His work has been reposted on YouTube. Look him up.
DeleteTrump2020.... MAGA!
ReplyDeleteAre you fucking retarded or something?
Deleteafter reading the trump2020 comment i quickly saw your reply underneath & just about choked...i am grateful i can still get a good laugh here & there, though not too often...not sure how i came across this web page but bookmarked it quite some time ago & didn't view til now...though i was not familiar with all of the excellent particulars you provide here, i had this nagging deja vu while i was reading it...i viewed some type of documentary online that spoke of Kennedy's having signed this Public Law 87-297 into motion in 1961 & it's bugging me i can't recall the name of the film...something like Iron Mountain or some such name - does that sound familiar? I had forgotten about this & glad I found this site.
Delete@Danni70: Probably the "Report From Iron Mountain"
Thank you both for the information about the Iron Man Documentary!! Unfortunately that link no longer works but I did find it on a website and wanted to post the link here for anyone else that is interested.
What should I do
Deleteit's sad to say as much as i would love to just blast your link off in a few places where i know it would be looked at and taken seriously, for those who are not already aware of this, but honestly, to cover my butt i think it would behoove me to actually go to my library as you suggest and follow the instructions you provide. i would feel a lot more comfortable sharing the link and be able to say i verified this stuff at the library, for the nay sayers, of which there always seems to be a few, even in some of the groups i belong to where most members are adults who are dead serious about all things TRUTH, which BTW is getting uglier and more depressing by the day, as more layers of the onion are peeled back & it stinks and brings tears to the eyes.
DeleteThanks for doing the legwork involved to get this information together in such a 'take notice' way that demands to be read.
I encourage you to do your own research first and confirm the facts provided within. Though you can find some of these documents online, most of them are only partial or have things omitted. If your library will not provide the booklets , let me know and I can help you out
ReplyDeleteTrumptards are every bit as stupid and gullible as Obamabots ever were.
DeleteI just have to tell you that I have the utmost respect for you with everything you've done here!! This is blog #3 for me and I'm going to read all of them, just wish I would have realized you wrote other's when I came across the first one but I figured it out now.
ReplyDeleteThanks again for reading and for taking it seriously!
DeleteWell I am wide awake friend and all you share is the truth. It is sad that most Americans are asleep. Even Christians who'd you'd think would have discernment are asleep. People Too busy with their demonic shows, movies, music, porn, all of which are screaming in their faces who runs this world!! I pray protection and safety over you and anyone out there trying to wake up others.